vendredi 14 septembre 2007

SECOND DAY: Goethe-Lichtenberg-Wittgenstein: Philosophy, Psychology, Natural Sciences


Philosophy, Psychology, Natural Sciences

International Conference

Date: Saturday, March 15th 2008

Location: Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Centre Panthéon: 12, place du Panthéon, 75005 Paris

Room # 1

Coordination: Sabine PLAUD


Event supported by the DAAD

General presentation (.doc file)

Session “Life, action, expression - Wittgenstein and Goethe”

Chair: Valérie Aucouturier (Université Paris 1, Kent)

9.AM: Registration

9.15: Introductory remarks

9.30: Eli Friedlander (Tel Aviv University) – “Wittgenstein, Goethe and the Life of Colors”

10.15: Sabine Plaud (Université Paris 1, EXeCO) - « “That is not an experience, it is an idea ”: Wittgenstein on Morphology and primal phenomena »

11.AM: Coffee break

11.15: Antonia Soulez (Université Paris 8 – MSH Paris Nord) – “Une philosophie de l’acte sans théorie de l’action”

12.AM: Emmanuel Halais (UPJV): “Wittgenstein, philosophie et expression de soi”

12.45: Lunch break


Session “Towards a new physiognomy of language: Wittgenstein and Lichtenberg”

2.30 PM: Alfred Nordmann (TU Darmstadt, University of South Carolina, Lichtenberg-Gesellschaft) – “Goethe, Lichtenberg, Wittgenstein: "A Picture Held Us Captive"”

3.15: Elise Marrou (Université Paris 10, EXeCO) –“Le Witz de la tyrannie orientale: présentation grammaticale ou expérience de pensée?”

4. PM: Coffee break

4.15: Klaus Speidel (Université Paris 4) - “Change of perspective as a heuristic device in Lichtenberg’s and Wittgenstein’s thought

5. PM: Sophie Djigo (UPJV) – “Witz et satire chez Lichtenberg et Wittgenstein: un autre ton pour la philosophie”

5.45: End of the conference

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